Tuesday, June 28, 2011

At Last


Before the class started this morning, I got a message from Manipal Post Office. The asked me to collect my Speedpost parcel. Yeay! As expected, the parcel arrived today. Thanks Mom!

During the afternoon break, I rushed to the post office after I took my lunch. But the rain hadn't stop since morning. There's not much option except put on my raincoat and went all the way to the post office with my bike.

Let just skip the story. There's a lot to tell, but I don't think it's necessary. So now here is my Danbo, after a long journey from Malaysia.   Wall-e got a new friend today =)

I don’t mind being childish, as long as I’m happy =)

Thursday, June 23, 2011



I'm welcoming a new member to my 'little' family. He's just arrived from Mumbai this afternoon. I picked him up at the Blue Dart as I finished the class today. We're still waiting for one more member, he still on his way from Malaysia. I really hope he will arrive safely here and meet his new friend ^^

*yeah I still love toys despite my age, but only for collections and photography purposes =)*

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Old Memories


Bukan nak mengeluh mahupun merungut, cuma nak meluahkan/berkongsi apa yang terbuku dalam hati.

Kecil-kecil dulu memang bercita-cita nak masuk universiti. Abah pun ada janji, kalau berjaya masuk universiti, abah belikan kereta kancil sebagai hadiah. Wahh masa tu memang bersemangat nak belajar bersungguh-sungguh. Alhamdulillah, rezeki Allah bagi dipermudahkan segala urusan menuntut ilmu dan berjaya dengan cemerlang.

Sejak kecil lagi, memang suka merekacipta. Benda-benda yang belajar dalam kelas Sains masa sekolah rendah dulu banyak diaplikasi. Ada satu masa tu belajar buat litar elektrik. So lepas sekolah minta dengan Abah suruh belikan wayar, klip buaya, mentol, suis dan macam-macam lagi. Tak berapa ingat dah. Abah pun bawa la pergi kedai elektrik dan suruh pilih barang apa nak. Perasaan masa tu bukan main gembira. Maka berjaya la buat litar elektrik kat rumah. Bila fikir-fikir balik memang Abah sangat support my interest =)

Dulu-dulu Abah selalu outstation pergi KL (sekarang pun selalu gak). So memang dah jadi rutin kalau Abah pergi KL mesti kami adik beradik (yang lelaki especially) masing-masing akan pesan alat mainan. So adik-adik yang lain biasanya akan pesan kereta, robot, dan sebagainya, dah lupa. Tapi aku lain, aku mesti suruh Abah beli alat-alat sains. Apa benda alat-alat sains? Yang paling aku tak lupa bila satu kali tu Abah balik bawa teleskop. Besarrr =D. Perasaan masa tu tak tergambar dengan kata-kata. I love my dad.

Apa purpose aku cerita semua ni? Entah la, saja mengimbau memori. Sebab cita-cita pertama dulu nak jadi saintis. Tapi bila fikir-fikir balik saintis apa la yang boleh jadi kat Malaysia ni. Abah pun tak recommend. So tukar la cita-cita nak jadi jurutera, just like my dad.

Tup-tup amik bidang doktor. Apa kes? Haha malas nak cerita. Rasanya pernah cerita dalam entry-entry yang lepas. Abaikan la.

Actually nak cerita pasal life in university, tapi dah divert pergi topik lain. Biasa la tu, lain yang rancang, lain yang ‘tertulis’.

After all, what I’m encounter today is not the 'university life’ that I was expecting for, with all the disappointments and bad results in every exam. I don’t know what has happen to me all this while. This is not the real me. This is not what I used to be 10 years back. I’m no longer have the enthusiasm to apply what I learnt everyday. Maybe because I chose the opposite way from what I am. But I’m not blaming anyone. Allah knows better. He has provides me this route, I’ll walk through it, not matter what. I know I can do it.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Penat kan?

Yup, penat sangat-sangat

Seronok kan?

Haah sangat seronok, boleh gelak sorang-sorang

So, nak buat lagi?

Taknak dah, cukup-cukup la tu


my first try doing time-lapse

not that good, but acceptable, for me

view in full HD for better view