Thursday, September 16, 2010

Once a year

for this post I just want to share some pictures that I took during Raya

I’m not good in taking people photos

my favourite genres are more toward landscape, nature, and still life

but there are no harms in learning right?

these are all my cousins

it’s hard to be together like this, maybe once a year






Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I kept experimenting my lens from day to day since I got it

I need to get used to it in every aspect

well, I agree with people saying that this lens is quite slow in focusing

but it depends on what situation you have

focussing can be quite difficult for me sometimes, but when I got it right, the result is outstanding

at f/2.8, I found that the image turned out to be soft

but I think it’s due to hand shake

it’s quite difficult to shoot with aperture wide open

even a small movement also can make the picture not sharp

I should do more experiments now, while I still have the time, before going back to Manipal, a place where all my time will be taken =P



Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Raya tahun ni tak seperti yang diharapkan

Biasanya tiap-tiap tahun hari raya pertama mesti raya kat kampung ayah dulu

dan biasanya mesti ramai saudara-mara berkumpul bermula pada malam raya tu

tapi tahun ni mostly semua beraya kat kampung sebelah satu lagi dulu

so, pagi raya tu tak ramai sangat orang, so agak suram sikit

tp ok je, just tak boleh nak buat photoshoot ramai-ramai =P


Alhamdulillah, tahun ni berkesempatan untuk ambil gambar satu family dengan lengkap.

memang bukan satu benda yang senang nak buat, masing-masing belajar kat merata-rata tempat, nak tunggu berkumpul semua sekali memang jarang sangat-sangat.

then, raya kedua beraya kat kampung mak pula.

penggambaran dapat dilakukan dengan lebih aktif sedikit =P

ditambah lagi dengan adanya kenduri kahwin, so, dengan tidak semena-menanya jadi bidan terjun.

tak suka sangat jadi photographer untuk event, tapi bila dah pegang camera besar tu, siapa yang tak push suruh ambil gambar, so terpaksa la~


now I can do less editing

this new ‘toys’ can make better pictures =D

so far, not many photos to show, still experimenting

today will go to one more wedding, hope can get better and better


this one also just experimenting, you can see how bad the composition is

but when I asked my cousin (the one with orange shirt) to do it again, he said there are no more fireworks


so enough for now, I’ll post more pictures after this if I get the chance~

Sunday, September 5, 2010

What to do

2 more days before going back to Kota Bharu

living here in Kemaman is really boring

not because of the place, but because I got no friends here

no even one

my homes are uncertain

few years there

few year here

well, talking about friends, I actually happen to has a ‘friend’ somewhere around here

but it’s quite impossible to meet, and I’m sure we’ll no meet anyway

so just leave it, I don’t want to talk about it

So, what was I did all this while?

of course, my camera will not leave me alone



walking with a big camera here is really uncomfortable

not like in India, where people can assume me as a tourist

but here? *segan*

so I just kept my camera in the bag while walking and took it out only when I found the things that I want to capture

enough for now~