This year Aidiladha i celebrated it at my mom's village which is in Tendong, Pasir Mas. It was different this year because i got the opportunity to 'melapah daging' that usually i didn't get that chance. This cow is owned by my grandfather. So the cow 'dikorbankan' just in front of my grandfather's house (but we need to cross a road actually, that has heavy traffic). I was very proud with my grandfather. He was very amazing! He could handle the cow only by himself until the cow ready for 'korban'. He was a police before this, so no wonder he was that brave. So we had nice lunch that day, with 'daging' as the 'lauk'. So that all for Aidiladha this year, sorry for many 'foreign words' hehe...
'foreign' word? which one is foreign - malay or english?
maybe we need to redefine 'foreign'
haha i think so...but for ib students,'malay' is foreign language,like our headmistress said...kih3
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