Sunday, December 16, 2007

attacked by MMU students!!!

Oh no, my house is under attack! about 30 of them came to my house...actually they were my sister and her friends from Multimedia University. They just had a program at Cherating, so on the way back they stop at my antic house. I wondered how this numbers of people could enter my house. Luckily the house could fitted them. Then they had a nice lunch, nasi dagang and meehoon goreng.....Lastly, the best part, photography session! hehe....but i only the cameraman :-(.....but it was great!


*.m.a.w.a.r_p.u.t.i.h.* said...

hikhik...kita serang!!!!!..=P

SyaZwan said...

len kali bw ramai ag hehe

Anonymous said...

ur house ek?

SyaZwan said...

kuarters jkr je pn hehe.....