Monday, May 30, 2011



Today’s paper was the disastrous ever. For the first 1 hour I was just looking at the blank sheets(sss) of paper. The next 1 hour was just to fill the blanks with words that just to make myself ‘comfortable’. Is this the end? Yeah there’s one more block ahead, but still, not much I can do about it. I want to stay positive, but I just can’t. What you see on my face was just a fake smile. There’s a big burden behind it, and I need to carry it for the next 2 months.


myrnnss said...

awe bolehhhhh!!!!

Izza Arsyika said...

Awe! >.<

oyop said...

boleh awe!!! insyallah!!

ajeem_hazim said...

hasbunallahi wa ni'mal wakeel awe! :) yakin pada ALLAH pasti kau akan gembira n semangat selalu!