This is my favourite shot for this moment. I don’t know why but I feel calm when I look at it. That’s why I love photography!
But wait. Try scroll upward until you reach the header. Look at the two words below my name. Medicine. Photography. Which one comes first? Medicine right? That’s because my future lies in it. But what have I done to achieve it? Nothing. Yes, of course I’m now in a medicine school. I even finished my first year. Alhamdulillah. But the passion? Photography got it covered most of it. So why I want to become a doctor? I’m still searching for the answer. It’s not that if I’m not taking medicine I’ll take photography as my career. Absolutely not. Because I don’t think the future is promising. But as a hobby it is great. You’ll not regret it.
So what I want to be? It’s totally contrary with what I’m in now. What you got it mind? I’m sure you will think of an engineer right? Yeah maybe it’s true. But I’m not saying that I want to become an engineer. Try imagine what a doctor deals with; Life, health, diseases, drugs. Engineer; building, roads, highway, skyscraper, houses. I’m sure you got the idea what are the differences between this 2 professions. It just like one is in the east and the other one is in the west. And I’m stuck in one of those two sides.
I never regret what I chose for my life. Because I know Allah has chose the best for me. It’s my job to find out about it. Medicine is interesting. Really interesting. I admit it. You get to know what actually happen in our life, that most people don’t know about it. But MEMORIZING is really not my thing. And medicine is all about it. Mostly. Yes, there are few things that you need to understand, but I found out most of it are all about memorizing. Especially second year subjects =.=
So, what should I do?
I love doing what I like to do. I love to study the subjects that I like. But for now I don’t have any favourite subjects. All are depressing. That’s why I can’t study. But I have to. Dulu kalau bosan buat Math, now?…………………….that’s why hobby takes place.
hahhaha all the best bro! doesnt means a doctor cannot have 'photographing' as his hobby rite? haha :)) nothing is wrong with that! That is a great one! taking pictures also one of Ibadah bcoz know what, u made people realized about the creation of ALLAH :) be strong awe! i know u can handle it well!
thanks hazim =) klu la ko ade kat sini, sure best. insyaAllah. i'll try to handle it. all the best too!
nice oneeeeeeeeeeee!thumbs up!-atie
Sile bertahan wahai incik doc :)
Allah x takdirkan bnde2 camni kat kite kalau Allah xde reason..pasti ada hikmahnya.. :) aku paham perasaan risau pasal studies tu. T_T huhu. sama2 la kite saling membantu antara kite. :D
suke math jgak ke? buat la sudoku dikala kebosanan belajo...
atie: erk ape yg nice. anyway thanks =)
shaheeda: sedang cuba, terima kasih =)
asri: yup, btul tu. klu ak rasa down or nk putus asa, ak sll fikir cmtu, Allah dah tetapkan ak kat jalan ni, so mesti ade hikmahnya. InsyaAllah bleh. Sama2 tolong =D
wani: hmm sudoku? bleh la kot. tp xminat sgt
sometimes, we just go with the flow..
keep moving and just keep moving..
same goes to me tho :)
but then, believe, u'll find the answer when u realize the final destination of ur life :) insyaALLAH.
thanks syitah =) I believe Allah has great plan for me. That's why I keep moving. Maybe it's very slow, but I won't stop. InsyaAllah.
nice!!!!! need for a title...=p~atie
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