I miss the study week during my first year university exam
every single minute is priceless
books never get away from my eyes
but now…..
I’m lost in second year subjects
I found it interesting, but I still couldn’t find the momentum where to start
I should have start my study now before it starts pile up (it is now…)
my aims are very high this time, I hope I can achieve it
aku pn x ingat sume gak. susah gler nak hafal kali ni.
"my aims are very high this time"
psst...share2. heh.
u'll plow through :) sort of miss the time i merengek2 sebab malas time 2nd year.
jom blaine go through it!
izza, u malas2 pn berlambak je D. and that's my aims =)
InsyaAllah by a few days dapatla momentum tu. Buat note "saya mahu momentum" or something like that, lekat kat study table, kalau hari2 tgk nanti otak tu proses la :)
Good luck though..
i'm thinking of doing that too =)
all the best to you too. I heard that dentistry is more busy than medic student.
dont miss the direction during 2nd year. subjects are very subjective. and never compare it to 1st year. gud luck
thanks amin =)
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