Tuesday, September 1, 2009

HDR Technique

just learnt HDR technique recently, it’s quite easy using Photomatix Pro 3.0

I chose three different exposures; –3, 0, and 3 (using photoshop)

then combined it using the software, tweaked a little bit, and here is the result….


nearly sunset at Pantai Marina, Kemaman

for this one, i just tweaked it a little bit, so it might be different from normal HDR, i like it this way

this technique only works on certain subjects, not all  photos can be processed into HDR, otherwise it might turns HORRIBLE :P


myrnnss said...

what's hdr?

SyaZwan said...

hdr tu high dynamic range....
satu gambar tu, ada pelbagai exposure, dari cerah sampai gelap, then combine into one picture, kat gambar ni maybe x nampak sgt, but others work well

rainbOw said...

awe!!!gempaq ny ko!!!bile nk aja ak??ayat dr dl..tp,xsmpat2 gak nk blajo..hehe..

SyaZwan said...

haha min...mcm xde dah ms utk blaja, ko dah jauh dah, xpe min, ko cr org kat sana plak utk blaja hehe...