Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Blogging all the way


memang dah xde benda nk wat kat rmh.movies.games.tv.makan.tido.blogging? klu dah boring sgt, gi bc blog org,lompat sn sni tgk2 dah jauh dh msuk blog org.even yg xkenal pn.pastu leave komen ntah pape ntah hehe.actually i don't know wut i'm going to write.ble tgk blog org, ade je idea diorng.some bout their feelings.some bout their friends.some bout their life.me?  xtau la.suka letak gmbr je hehe.it has been a while since i'm not using my camera.bg la rehat jap.ari tu xhenti2 amik gmbr.dr farewell dinner smpi la trip kat terengganu.bleh meletup agkny (hehe hiperbola) i'm thinking bout buying a new lens.but i don't know which one and still 'poket is kering' hehe.hrga satu lens pn dh bleh bli camera baru lg satu.tnggu la duit jatuh dr langit dl :p

anyway, i like this photo.shahir was holding it while we were having a lunch at a restaurant during the terengganu trip.the cat's expression really unique.innocent.like thinking bout the future.hehe ape la ak ngarut ni.tu kucing je pn :p well i kept thinking bout my future.bout the ib result. don't know what will i get.the exam was quite tough.but i'm sure Allah will help me.i just need to pray, pray, and pray. He is the only one that can do all sort of things.and i hope i will get the best of me.InsyaAllah.

ble dh membebel ni jd pnjg plak :P anyway, to all IB batch 3, have a nice holiday, use every single time with xtvt yg bfaedah.don't waste ur time. see u all at BTN~


yg paling innocent said...

haah kucing tu innocent x cam kau.kco org je kje..haha

SyaZwan said...

haha ak tau ko spe....ak rs kucing tu innocent mcm ko la,try ko tgk btul2 hehe

yg paling innocent said...

haha ye ke? tp ak lg comel :P

SyaZwan said...

wekk prasan...kucing ni jauh lg comel :p

yg paling innocent said...

hahahhaha tau la jeles! =P

SyaZwan said...

xde sbb ak nk jeles haha