Monday, June 30, 2008

The program is tougher.........

Huh dh lame x blogging, bkn xnk tulis but I still can't manage my time very well....sometime I have a lot of time tp wat bnda2 x berfaedah, just wasting my time, rugi kn....IB is going tougher, mcm2 jnis IA dh msk dalam celah2 otak ni smpi nk fikir pn x sempat....especially businesss, ntah ape la aku nk wat....maybe this week I will start with my EE tp senarai bahan ngan apparatus pn x hantar lagi!!!! esk kot klu smpat....kje makin byk tp x tbuat pn....luckily this semester we can stay two persons in a room...aman la skit berbanding dl...blik mcm cinema and cybercafe,tension btul....this sem aku dok ngn redza....nasib baik die rajin so I tend to study also hehe...this sem also I play a lot of sports...from basketball....then petanque....and now volleyball.....sometime futsal....I don't know which one I need to play every evening....berbelah bagi plak hehe...anyway alhamdulillah skang ni mcm2 sukan dh bleh men...if compared to myself before this, any sport I could not I'm proud with myself...thanks to Allah...the juniors had just registered...xtau la ape plak perangai diorang ni, till now they have no problem...but maybe after this hehe....I found two juniors from my former school, one from sm sains sabah n another one from sm sains machang...knal la skit2..nasib baik ingt lagi....then next week bdk2 junior alevel plak register...the college is going crowded!!!!!!! oh no........anyway, I'm happy with myself I have a war with world lit, tok essay, and all the IA!!


*.m.a.w.a.r_p.u.t.i.h.* said...


i wish u..
aLL thE bEst 4 uR fuTurE!~
bE sTr0nG n be paTient in WhAteVer u d0~
MaY ALLAH bless us..\(^_^)/
g0od luck!~

ceria seindah suria said...

adoi..bdk2 IB bz btol..