sesungguhnya Allah penentu segala-galanya
asalkan kita terus berusaha, insyaAllah dengan izinNya kita akan dapat apa yang kita kehendaki
the results have came out today
Alhamdulillah I pass all the subjects
jika dikenang kembali saat-saat sebelum mula exam sebelum ni, I can say that I didn’t put any hope to pass
all I was thinking is FAIL
but I know it’ll not get any better if I’ve surrender before going to the war
so I just keep my mind positive and put all my efforts
I know Allah will help me
as long as I keep working harder
and this is it
I’m walking to second year as medic student
something that I never thought about it before
and I know it’ll be tougher than before
with new spirit
I’ll make myself better
terima kasih kepada semua yang telah memberi sokongan dan bantuan samada secara langsung atau tidak langsung, sesungguhnya hanya Allah sahaja yang dapat membalasnya
~terima kasih~
p/s: I love the sky in Malaysia. Everyday with dramatic cloud ^_^