Monday, August 18, 2008

Kem Syabab Imtiyaz

Ustaz Sofi had asked me to make a disk cover for the Kem Syabab Imtiyaz. Of coz I don't have any idea. I always like that. Thanks to my former schoolmate, Hariz ( I bet he also don't know what have he done) . Semalam usha2 la blog kwn2, with help from Redza (my rummate), byk gk blog yg dia tau. Then, I opened Hariz's blog. Lame gk x buka blog dia ni, mcm2 perubahan dh, getting more interesting. Always full of incredible pictures. At last, I came out with this two pictures. Xtau la mane satu nk plih, so, anybody wants to help me choose the best?

The colourful one?

or quite old skool?

Kem ni actually kerja khusus Pendidikan Islam. We were asked to organize a project, giving services to other. So, we came out with this Kem Syabab Imtiyaz. If I'm not mistaken, the meaning is 'Kem Remaja Cemerlang'. This camp is for the form one students in MRSM Kuala Klawang. W/pn kem ni agk kalut pd awl2nya, coz kem ni dirancang dan disiapkan segala modul2nya hanya dlm ms kurang 2 minggu. At that time, we also busy with the KMS Open Week which I was involved too (although my mentor had advised me, don't take part in any activities, just focussed on study). She is telling the truth. That event will be the last event for me in KMS (I'm hoping for it). After the holiday, study will be my first priority (and finishing all the assignmentssssss).
ThE eNd~

Friday, August 15, 2008

cuti dah......

10.37 p.m.....hari jumaat
budak2 ni ramai dh yg balik
tnggal la bbrape org lg yg still survive kat kms ni
-aku-farid-izzat-matwan-ckgu kecik-fathi-baylee

jadual aku hari ni:
aku br smpi kat dewan tun hussein onn (aku prefer 'dewan baru', lg sng nk pnggil)
majlis spttnye start kul 8.30 pg,tp biase la bdk2 ni, bkn pernah nk tepati masa (termasuklah aku :p) smpi2 je sn dgr ucapan IBC, mcm2 la cerita psl IB, pastu ucapan pengarah plak...kna tgur la psl dtg lmbt pg tu, nk wat cmne kn, bkn sng nk ubah perangai bdk2 ni.....then prize giving ceremony, ble la aku nk naik pentas amik hadiah....tnggu la sem 3 ni plak, insyaAllah

tbe la aku di dwn razak. arahan ckp kul 11 br kmas booth, tp tgk booth2 lain dh kmas hbs dh, aku pn pegi la kmas booth bio aku tu, booth lain rmi je org tolong2 aku -alone-...ape bleh wat...parent diorang dtg, so kna la jmp ngn cikgu2....nsb baik la last2 tu shahir dtg,bersama ngn family die....ade gk teman, adik2 shahir pn tlg kmas....bgs btul

aku, fathi, ngn farid mengharungi panas terik matahari ke masjid negeri, smyang jumaat...jmpa la bdk2 kms yg nk blk rmh dh, bestnya dpt blk dh, aku mlm esk br blk...tu la bli tket lmbt sgt,kn dh kna blk lwt...pastu ikt fathi gi bank, then ikt farid gi T1 bli tket...aku rs dh satu seremban kitorang jln hari ni, mcm nk tercabut kpala lutut....pastu lpax jap kat SP,mkn2....mee rojak, pedas!!!! ni la mskan n9, semua nk pedas....pastu, jln kaki plak blk kms.....smpi2 je trus tido....

tersedar la aku dari tido....hmm mlas dh aku nk tulis pnjg2 ni, nnti boring plak nk baca...ajk la diorang ni gi mkn kat ds...makcik syam dh menjerit2 dh pnggl bdk ni mkn, maklumla dh xde org, ksian diorang msk byak2, ayam pedas plak tu.....n mmg pedas!!!!! arghh....nape la sume pedas, aku nk mkn pn xleh, skali lg x hbs mkn....smbil tgk badminton olympic semifinal...hbat gk lee chong wei ni....bleh gk gi final...ade hrpn la mlaysia dpt terbang la 1 juta, bg kat lee chong wei....klu menang la...

dpendekkan cite.....aku skang kat BA...ngn izzat-hilmi-farid...dh boring dk kat hostel la...ape lg, aku pn lame dh x blogging smpi cni je la post coming~